Upgrading GlobalSight

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Upgrading GlobalSight
Comparing GlobalSight with WorldServer

You can upgrade easily from one version of GlobalSight to a newer version using the GlobalSight Upgrade Installer.

To download the upgrade installer package and upgrade GlobalSight core application, follow the instructions below for Windows or Ubuntu.


Before beginning, make sure that:

  • The GlobalSight service is stopped
  • The MySQL database server is running


Pre-upgrade procedures

  1. Download and unzip the GlobalSight Upgrade Installer package GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>.zip to local system
  2. Edit config.properties file to set GlobalSight application directory and certificate information to sign code for some Java applet components
    gsHome: the absolute path to GlobalSight application directory. Using forward slash as the path separator
    JKS: the absolute path to the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed. Using forward slash as the path separator
    keyPass: the passphrase/password of the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed
    keyAlias: the alias of the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed

Extra procedures for upgrading GlobalSight 8.6 to 8.6.7

  • Install Oracle JDK 8 and update system variable JAVA_HOME
    Oracle JDK 8 (at least jdk1.8.0_45) is required for GlobalSight version 8.6.3 and above.
  • Replace website header image
    Find globe_header.gif in current GlobalSight application, and replace it with GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>\server\GlobalSight\jboss\server\standalone\deployments\globalsight.ear\globalsight-web.war\images\globe_header.gif
Note: The original website header image is not in GIF format, which will not show on Microsoft Internet Explorer after upgrading to GlobalSight version 8.6.7.

To upgrade GlobalSight using the Upgrade Installer

  1. Double-click run.bat to launch the installer

    Note: if you need run the Upgrade Installer as Administrator, change below line in run.bat before running it:
    cd installer to cd %~dp0installer
  2. Click Next to the next screen
    If gsHome is not defined in config.properties file, or the Upgrade Installer cannot find current GlobalSight application directory, you are prompted to enter the GlobalSight application directory manually.

  3. Enter the GlobalSight application directory and click OK

  4. Beginning with GlobalSight 8.6.3, the upgrade installer also checks whether a version of Oracle JDK 8 is installed. Enter the JDK 8 home directory and click OK

  5. Click Finish to exit

The Upgrade Installer backs up the previous version of GlobalSight application and applies the upgrade. The GlobalSight application backup is stored in the \path\to\GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>\installer\backup folder

The upgrade log file log.txt can be found in \path\to\GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>\installer folder.

Post-upgrade procedures

Restart GlobalSight service.


Pre-upgrade procedures

  • Log in as a user with sudo privilege
  • Stop Globalsight
    Type: sudo service globalsight stop
  • Make sure that the MySQL database is running
    Type: sudo service mysql status
    To check remote MysQL database server's status
    Type: mysqladmin status -u <globalsight_user_name> -p -h <mysql_hostname_or_ip_ address> -P <mysql_port>
    Example: mysqladmin status -u globalsight -p -h -P 3306
  • Download and unjar the GlobalSight upgrade installer package
    Type: mkdir GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version> && cd GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>
    Example: mkdir GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_8.6.7 && cd GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_8.6.7
    Type: jar xvf /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>.zip
    Example: jar xvf /home/jboss/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_8.6.7.zip
  • Edit config.properties file to set GlobalSight application directory and certificate information to sign code for some Java applet components
    gsHome: the absolute path to GlobalSight application directory
    JKS: the absolute path to the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed
    keyPass: the passphrase/password of the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed
    keyAlias: the alias of the certificate keystore file, uncomment it if needed
  • Update GlobalSight daemon template /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>/server/GlobalSight/jboss/util/bin/service.sh.template file
    Insert -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} between --background and --user
    Example: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} --user ${JBOSS_USER} --exec ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/standalone.sh
    Example: start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background -c ${JBOSS_USER} -d ${JBOSS_HOME} --user ${JBOSS_USER} --exec ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/jboss-cli.sh -- --connect command=:shutdown
    Note: this modification ensures that GlobalSight daemon is always running as user jboss.

Extra procedures for upgrading GlobalSight 8.6 to 8.6.7

  • Install Oracle JDK 8 and update system variable JAVA_HOME
    Oracle JDK 8 (at least jdk1.8.0_45) is required for GlobalSight version 8.6.3 and above. The install procedure can be found at Installing JDK.
  • Replace website header image
    Type: sudo cp /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>/server/GlobalSight/jboss/server/standalone/deployments/globalsight.ear/globalsight-web.war/images/globe_header.gif <globalsight_home_directory>/server/GlobalSight/jboss/server/standalone/deployments/globalsight.ear/globalsight-web.war/images/
    Example: sudo cp GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_8.6.7/server/GlobalSight/jboss/server/standalone/deployments/globalsight.ear/globalsight-web.war/images/globe_header.gif /home/jboss/GlobalSight/jboss/server/standalone/deployments/globalsight.ear/globalsight-web.war/images/
Note: The original website header image is not in GIF format, which will not show on Microsoft Internet Explorer after upgrading to GlobalSight version 8.6.7.

To upgrade GlobalSight using the Upgrade Installer

  1. Add the execute attribute to upgrade script run.sh
    Type: cd /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>
    Type: sudo chmod u+x run.sh
  2. Run the GlobalSight Upgrade Installer
    Type: sudo PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH ./run.sh

  3. Press Enter to go to the next screen

    The Upgrade Installer looks for the installValues.properties file to determine the GlobalSight application directory.
    If gsHome in /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>/config.properties file is set, or /tmp/installValues.properties file is found, it proceeds with the upgrade. Otherwise you are prompted to enter the GlobalSight application directory manually.

  4. Enter the GlobalSight application directory and press Enter

  5. Beginning with GlobalSight 8.6.3, the upgrade installer also checks whether a version of Oracle JDK 8 is installed. Enter the JDK 8 home directory and press Enter

  6. Press Enter to exit the upgrade installer.

The Upgrade Installer backs up the previous version of GlobalSight application and applies the upgrade. The GlobalSight application backup is stored in /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>/installer/backup directory.

The upgrade log file log.txt can be found in /path/to/GlobalSight_Upgrade_Installer_<version>/installer directory.

Post-upgrade procedures

  1. Change the ownership of the GlobalSight application
    Type: sudo chown -R jboss:jboss <globalsight_home_directory>
    Example: sudo chown -R jboss:jboss /home/jboss/GlobalSight/
  2. Add executable attribute for start and stop script files
    Type: sudo chmod u+x <globalsight_home_directory>/jboss/server/bin/standalone.sh
    Type: sudo chmod u+x <globalsight_home_directory>/jboss/server/bin/jboss-cli.sh
    Example: sudo chmod u+x /home/jboss/GlobalSight/jboss/server/bin/standalone.sh
    Example: sudo chmod u+x /home/jboss/GlobalSight/jboss/server/bin/jboss-cli.sh
  3. Change the ownership of GlobalSight documents and file storage directory
    Type: sudo chown -R jboss:jboss <globalsight_document_directory>
    Type: sudo chown -R jboss:jboss <globalsight_filestorage_directory>
    Example: sudo chown -R jboss:jboss /home/jboss/welocalize/
  4. Restart GlobalSight
    Type: sudo service globalsight start